AS365 HWC Setup

In order for ActiveSalon Cloud to work correctly, you need to install a SSL certificate on each computer where you wish to browse this website from. This certificate needs to be installed on your computer's 'Trusted Root Certificate Authorities' certificate store.

You need to download and save the certificate using the button below, and then install the certificate.
Download the SSL Certificate
For Windows

Open a 'Command Prompt' as administrator

Run the following command, replacing 'certificate.crt' with the full path to the certificate file you have downloaded and saved.

certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" certificate.crt

For Mac OS

Open a 'Command Prompt' as administrator

Run the following command, replacing '~/certificate.crt' with the full path to the certificate file you have downloaded and saved.

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/certificate.crt